to 27 Mar

Mindfulness for Life (8 week course)Online: Thursday mornings from January (Copy)

Discover Mindfulness for Life

Also known as Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Life (MBCT-L)

Join our 8-week experiential programme, combining meditation practices and cognitive behavioural techniques, designed to reduce suffering, build resilience, and promote flourishing.

Course Details:

  • Thursday Evenings: 5:30-7:30 pm, starting 30th January to 20th March

Course Highlights:

  • Strengthen Present Moment Awareness: Learn to regulate your attention to be more present, avoiding unhelpful patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that can leave you feeling trapped.

  • Respond Skillfully to Difficulties: Gain skills to respond to challenges with ease and savor positive experiences, opening up to moments of joy, contentment, and gratitude.

Evidence-Based Curriculum: Mindfulness For Life (MBCT-L) is an evidence-based programme from the Oxford Mindfulness Centre, in collaboration with the University of Oxford. It is scientifically developed to reduce distress and promote flourishing.


  • Navigate stress and challenges with more kindness and ease.

  • Change your relationship with difficult thoughts and feelings.

  • Savor what is good, uplifting, and resourcing in your life.

  • Increase your capacity for inner calm, kindness, and well-being.

About the Course: Each of the 8 sessions is typically 2 hours long. A new theme is presented each week, along with guided mindfulness practices, discussion and reflection around the theme, and practices from cognitive therapy designed to enhance learning and application to life.

Home Practice: As this is a skills-development programme, the course requires a commitment of about 15-45 minutes of home practice per day. Please ensure that you can dedicate this time. A handbook and audio guides to support your home practice will be provided.

Pre-Interview: After you book, an individual pre-course interview will be set up to shed more light on the programme, understand your motivation for joining, and ensure you have everything you need to begin your mindfulness journey. This is a complimentary session.

Cost: £135.00

View Event →
to 27 Mar

Mindfulness for Life (8 week course). Online: Thursday evenings from January

Discover Mindfulness for Life

Also known as Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Life (MBCT-L)

Join our 8-week experiential programme, combining meditation practices and cognitive behavioural techniques, designed to reduce suffering, build resilience, and promote flourishing.

Course Details:

  • Thursday Mornings: 8:30-10:30am, starting 30th January to 20th March

  • Thursday Evenings: 5:30-7:30pm, starting 30th January to 20th March

Course Highlights:

  • Strengthen Present Moment Awareness: Learn to regulate your attention to be more present, avoiding unhelpful patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that can leave you feeling trapped.

  • Respond Skillfully to Difficulties: Gain skills to respond to challenges with ease and savor positive experiences, opening up to moments of joy, contentment, and gratitude.

Evidence-Based Curriculum: Mindfulness For Life (MBCT-L) is an evidence-based programme from the Oxford Mindfulness Centre, in collaboration with the University of Oxford. It is scientifically developed to reduce distress and promote flourishing.


  • Navigate stress and challenges with more kindness and ease.

  • Change your relationship with difficult thoughts and feelings.

  • Savor what is good, uplifting, and resourcing in your life.

  • Increase your capacity for inner calm, kindness, and well-being.

About the Course: Each of the 8 sessions is typically 2 hours long. A new theme is presented each week, along with guided mindfulness practices, discussion and reflection around the theme, and practices from cognitive therapy designed to enhance learning and application to life.

Home Practice: As this is a skills-development programme, the course requires a commitment of about 15-45 minutes of home practice per day. Please ensure that you can dedicate this time. A handbook and audio guides to support your home practice will be provided.

Pre-Interview: After you book, an individual pre-course interview will be set up to shed more light on the programme, understand your motivation for joining, and ensure you have everything you need to begin your mindfulness journey. This is a complimentary session.

Cost: £135.00

View Event →
to 27 Mar

Mindfulness for Life (8 week course)Online: Thursday mornings from February

Discover Mindfulness for Life

Also known as Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Life (MBCT-L)

Join our 8-week experiential programme, combining meditation practices and cognitive behavioural techniques, designed to reduce suffering, build resilience, and promote flourishing.

Course Details:

  • Thursday Mornings: 8:30-10:30am, starting 30th January to 20th March

  • Thursday Evenings: 5:30-7:30pm, starting 30th January to 20th March

Course Highlights:

  • Strengthen Present Moment Awareness: Learn to regulate your attention to be more present, avoiding unhelpful patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that can leave you feeling trapped.

  • Respond Skillfully to Difficulties: Gain skills to respond to challenges with ease and savor positive experiences, opening up to moments of joy, contentment, and gratitude.

Evidence-Based Curriculum: Mindfulness For Life (MBCT-L) is an evidence-based programme from the Oxford Mindfulness Centre, in collaboration with the University of Oxford. It is scientifically developed to reduce distress and promote flourishing.


  • Navigate stress and challenges with more kindness and ease.

  • Change your relationship with difficult thoughts and feelings.

  • Savor what is good, uplifting, and resourcing in your life.

  • Increase your capacity for inner calm, kindness, and well-being.

About the Course: Each of the 8 sessions is typically 2 hours long. A new theme is presented each week, along with guided mindfulness practices, discussion and reflection around the theme, and practices from cognitive therapy designed to enhance learning and application to life.

Home Practice: As this is a skills-development programme, the course requires a commitment of about 15-45 minutes of home practice per day. Please ensure that you can dedicate this time. A handbook and audio guides to support your home practice will be provided.

Pre-Interview: After you book, an individual pre-course interview will be set up to shed more light on the programme, understand your motivation for joining, and ensure you have everything you need to begin your mindfulness journey. This is a complimentary session.

Cost: £135.00

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to 23 May

Free Nature Connection - 4 week course | Shekinah Grow, Opposite Occombe woods, Paignton! Devon

Lead Tutors: Clare Coyne and Emma Thom

Date and time: 02/05/24 - 23/05/24, 10.30 – 12.30.

Location: Shekinah Grow. Preston Road (opposite Occombe Woods) Paignon

Course description: This four week course, with a new theme each week, will include forest bathing, mindfulness and ecotherapy elements. Forest bathing – also known as Shinrin Yoku – is a Japanese practice that has been shown to boost the immune system and promote relaxation and wellbeing. Gentle mindfulness exercises in nature and ecotherapy approaches will also form part of the sessions. We will use the land at Shekinah Grow and enjoy slow, guided, mindful walks into the adjacent woods.

The aim of the course is to promote a greater sense of calm and an opening to more creativity, whether in relation to arts and crafts or to life choices. Expect to come away with a deeper connection to yourself, each other and the environment, as well as the ‘feel good’ effect that being outside and among the trees naturally gives.

In person course, making new connections. The sessions are open to everyone, no experience needed, and are planned to be as inclusive as possible in terms of age/health status.

Commitment of 2 hours per week, over 4 weeks.

Please note that the short, slow walks may be across uneven and / or sloping ground.

Please dress for all weathers (i.e. waterproofs and warm layers; or sunscreen and hats!). Closed shoes are recommended (e.g. trainers rather than sliders / flip flops).

Teaching and Learning Approaches: Practical, experiential sessions in nature.

Cost: Free

View Event →
to 11 Jun

Free 8 week Mindfulness Course for Adoptive Parents 'Caring for Me, Caring for You'

Lead Tutors: Emma Thom and Jacky Slade

Date and time: 17/04/24-12/06/24 (no session on 29th May)

Location: Online

Caring For Me, Caring For You - In Challenging Times

For Coram adoptive parents with children in placement post-adoption order

Comments from Adoptive parents from previous courses

“It has improved my self-compassion and provided me with a resource I can practice but also tap into in times of need which has made me feel more confident in dealing with the stresses and strains of life”

“(It has). . enabled me to cope with challenging behaviour ..and to respond in an appropriate way & explain why I hold my ground ..”

Who can apply

  • If you are waiting for or engaged in therapy with your child

  • If you have teenagers pressing your buttons

  • If you are early on your adoption pathway or with all the demands of primary aged children

  • If you have care responsibilities for other family members or health or work-related issues

  • If you have a mindfulness practice already or if you are just curious

  • If you have attended a previous course, or were unable to complete) and want to refresh and consolidate your learning

Whatever your challenges, or even if you are in a more grounded place right now, you are welcome to attend a Taster session and decide if a course might be helpful.

Why would I attend a mindfulness course? 
As we know, challenges come in many forms and in different ways over time. In this course, the focus is on you as a whole person (not ‘just’ as a parent), supporting you in learning skills to keep as well as possible, enhancing your resilience and even making space for a shift  in your life - from surviving to thriving.  It is suitable for adoptive parents who are open and motivated to learn new ways of improving their wellbeing and approaching stress/ low mood – and are willing to dedicate some time each day to practicing these skills for the duration of the course. The benefits are well documented and evidenced:

  • Strengthen emotions such as empathy, compassion, and happiness.

  • Improve relationships with others through taking a calmer and less reactive approach to life.

  • Support resilience in the face of anxiety, worry and low mood. Neuroscience shows how a mindfulness practice offers enhanced protection against depression and burn out, improving sleep quality and energy levels.

  • Improve concentration and performance allowing you to be more effective in what you do.

  • Develop general self-care and improved management of long-term health conditions.

What does the course involve?

  • 8 sessions of 2 hours conducted online.

  • Guided instruction in various mindfulness practices (sitting, standing, walking and movement) taught in an entirely secular way

  • Short discussions to enhance awareness and application in everyday life

  • Audio recordings or an App on your phone and a workbook

  • Invitation to join a supportive class Whatsapp group (Joining is always optional)

  • Free access to monthly mindfulness support sessions for course completers

View Event →
to 13 Mar

6 week live online Mindfulness Course: Wednesday evenings: 6.00-7.30pm

This course will take place online and run from Wednesday 7th February to Wednesday 13th March

Course Description
This 6-week course is based on the traditional MBSR/MBCT, integrating key learning points and practices into a condensed yet impactful format.

The course spans six sessions, each consisting of a one-hour and thirty-minute duration, with a recommended 20 minutes of daily home practice between sessions.

Through guided meditation, group discussions, and independent mindfulness exercises, participants will grasp the fundamental principles of mindfulness to apply and weave easily into everyday life.

Over the 6-week duration, you will learn how to

  • how to develop a mindfulness practice

  • how to use mindfulness to navigate stress and the up’s and downs of life

  • ways to relate differently to challenging thoughts and emotions

  • how to develop an even greater capacity to cultivate positive, nourishing experiences that can help us find meaning and resource

    The course offers a workbook to facilitate practice between sessions, and guided instructions for various secular mindfulness practices to integrate into day-to-day life.

    Once completed, the course includes ongoing friendly and supportive monthly top-up sessions and occasional retreats.

    The course fee is £75.

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11:00 am11:00

Autumn Day Retreat Connect and Release

An opportunity to connect, release and replenish yourself in this non-residential day retreat held in the pretty Devon village of Stokeinteignhead.

What to expect: We will spend the day together in Guided Mindful Practice. The practices will be led by 2 mindfulness teachers, Emma Thom, and Anna Murch. The practices will include gentle movement suitable for everyone along with seated and walking practices to support our theme of connecting and letting go into Autumn. The majority of the day will be spent in silence. If this is a first, don't worry! Silence gives you permission and space to take the day off and connect with yourself, the present, and the practices in a deeper more intuitive way.

Venue: Stokenteignhead Village Hall: TQ12 4QB

We meet at 10.45 am for tea and refreshments. The retreat will officially start at 11.00 am. We will have a selection of teas and coffee but if you have a favourite drink bring this along.

Lunch: We will break for lunch at around 13.00. We invite you to bring a shared or individually packed lunch.

What else to bring- Bring along your mat, a cushion, and anything else you usually use to practice with. You may also like to bring a blanket in case you get a little chilly in the periods of sitting or lying down.

We will break the silence at the end of the day, usually around 15.45. There will be space at the end to reflect on how the day was and talk together in the group. The day will finish at 16.00 pm.  

What to wear- Wear something that will be both comfortable and suit your own thermostat. Layers are a good idea! We will, weather-dependent use the outside space for some mindful walking and other practices. There will be an opportunity at lunchtime to go for a walk.

Price: Pay as you feel able: £25-35.00

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to 13 Jun

On-line Mindfulness for Life: Tuesdays 10 am-12 pm

This is a new 8 week course delivered on-line, developed by the Oxford Mindfulness Centre.

Mindfulness for Life will teach how to apply mindfulness to the whole spectrum of life. By training ourselves to focus our attention mindfulness can help us cope better with emotional challenges; change and befriend our relationship with difficult thoughts and feelings; experience a greater sense of appreciation, calm and well-being and a shift towards savouring what is good, nourishing and resourcing in our lives.

This is an in-depth programme and designed to create sustainable change. Through guided meditations, group discussion, individually tailored instructions and home assignments, you will learn the essential principles of mindfulness and techniques to build your personal home practice and access the wide-ranging benefits well beyond the course.  

The 8 week course will give you everything you need to develop a mindfulness practice and/or or re-establish your practice if it has fallen away. It is therefore suitable for those who are new to mindfulness and for those seeking a refresher (including any graduate of any other 8 week course).

The course weaves together evidence-based mindfulness approaches, cognitive behavioural therapy and discoveries in neuroscience.

By training ourselves to focus our attention MBCT- L can help us:

  • cope better with emotional challenges;

  • change and befriend our relationship with difficult thoughts and feelings;

  • experience a greater sense of appreciation and movement towards savouring what is good, nourishing and resourcing in our lives.

  • increase a sense of calm and well-being.

The course includes:

  • A one to one pre-course orientation call to check the course is suitable and will be helpful to you.

  • Workbook to practice in-between sessions

  • Guided instructions of various mindfulness meditation practices taught in an entirely secular way

  • Inquiry exercises to enhance awareness and application in everyday life

  • Monthly top-up-sessions

  • Cost: 95.00

The 8 week programme:

Session 1 - Waking up from automatic pilot – A recent Harvard study shows that our minds are not present in the moment and tend to wander about 47% of the time. This equates to a large majority of our time being spent lost, in time travel. Week 1 we learn how to step out of ‘doing’ mode into ‘being’ mode of the present

Session 2 - Another way of being: keeping the body in mind – With greater awareness, we begin to notice how often we are lost in our thoughts and feelings. Mindfulness of the body and breathing helps us learn to recognize our thoughts, emotions, sensations, and impulses, gather the scattered mind, and return with appreciation to the here and now.paying attention in each moment without judgement

Session 3 - Gathering the scattered mind – reconnecting with mindful presence through the breath and body. We learn various ways of bringing mindfulness into everyday movements as a way to ground ourselves and anchor us in the now!

Session 4 - Recognising reactivity and challenge - learn how to stay present and develop steadiness, insight and care allows us new choices on how we might respond mindfully in the face of challenge and stress

Session 5 - Allowing and letting be – by developing the skills of friendliness we find we have greater capacity to work towards developing acceptance and kindness towards our experiences.

Session 6 - Responding skilfully: thoughts are not facts – From thoughts come actions, and from actions come all kinds of consequences. Mindfully understanding that thoughts are not facts (even the ones that say they are) helps us to see them clearly so we can choose which ones to act upon.

Session 7 - How can I best take care of myself? H What we actually do with our time, from moment to moment, from hour to hour, from one year to the next, can very powerfully influence our general well-being. This week we explore activity and aligning our lives with our values.

Session 8 - Mindfulness for life – planning for a new way of living!

You will need:

Please get in touch with any questions or to reserve a place.

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to 15 Jun

In Person Mindfulness for Life: Thursdays (12.45-2.45 pm)

This is a new 8 week course developed by the Oxford Mindfulness Centre delivered in person at Pavilions, Teignmouth, Devon.

The 8 week course will give you everything you need to develop a mindfulness practice and/or or re-establish your practice if it has fallen away. Mindfulness for Life is suitable beginners and anyone seeking a refresher.

By training ourselves to focus our attention MBCT- L can help us:

  • cope better with emotional challenges;

  • change and befriend our relationship with difficult thoughts and feelings;

  • experience a greater sense of appreciation and movement towards savouring what is good, nourishing and resourcing in our lives.

  • increase a sense of calm and well-being.

This is an in-depth programme and designed to create sustainable change. Through guided meditations, group discussion, individually tailored instructions and home assignments you will learn the essential principles of mindfulness and techniques to build a personal home practice and access the wide-ranging benefits well beyond the course.  

The course includes:

  • A one to one pre-course orientation call to check the course is suitable and will be helpful to you.

  • Workbook to practice in-between sessions

  • Guided instructions of various mindfulness meditation practices taught in an entirely secular way

  • Inquiry exercises to enhance awareness in everyday life

  • FREE monthly top-up-sessions

  • Cost £95.00

The 8 week course programme:

Session 1 - Waking up from automatic pilot – A recent Harvard study shows that our minds are not present in the moment and wander about 47% of the time. Week 1 we learn how to step out of ‘doing’ mode into the ‘being’ mode of the present! We explore a body scan practice, mindful eating and mindfulness of everyday activities.

Session 2 - Another way of being: keeping the body in mind – With greater awareness, we begin to notice how often we are lost in our thoughts and feelings. Mindfulness of the body and breathing helps us learn to recognise our thoughts, emotions, sensations, and impulses, gather the scattered mind, and return with appreciation to the here and now. We introduce you to mindfulness of breathing.

Session 3 - Gathering the scattered mind – reconnecting with mindful presence through the breath and body. We learn various ways of bringing mindfulness into everyday movements as a way to ground ourselves and anchor us in the now!

Session 4 - Recognising reactivity and challenge - learn how to stay present and develop steadiness, insight and care allows us new choices on how we might respond mindfully in the face of challenge and stress

Session 5 - Befriending experience, allowing and letting be – in this session we deepen our capacity and skills of friendliness. In doing so we find we can meet experiences from a place of steadiness, balance and ease. We explore even more how to bring mindfulness, presence and friendliness into relationships with others ourselves. We practice compassion practices and mindful walking.

Session 6 - Responding skilfully: From thoughts come actions, and from actions come all kinds of consequences. Mindfully understanding that thoughts are not facts (even the ones that say they are) helps us to see them clearly so we can choose which ones to act upon!)

Session 7 - How can I best take care of myself? What we actually do with our time, from moment to moment, from hour to hour, from one year to the next, can very powerfully influence our general well-being. This week we explore activity and aligning our lives with our values.

Session 8 - Mindfulness for life – planning for a new way of living

Please get in touch with any questions or to reserve a place.

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1:00 pm13:00

Introduction to Mindfulness for Life (in- person) | Teignmouth. Devon

This is a free 90-minute (1-2.30 pm) taster session for anyone interested in joining the upcoming 8-week Mindfulness for Life Course taking place at Pavilions, Teignmouth (Thursday 20th April –Thursday 15th June, 12.45-2.45 pm). The Mindfulness taster session will be a relaxed, friendly and informal session and is a great opportunity to find out:

·       what’s involved in the 8-week Mindfulness for Life Course

·       what mindfulness is and isn’t!

·       experience a few mindfulness practices

·      hear about the science, benefits and research connected to developing a mindful practice and approach to life

·       meet others interested in learning this approach

·       meet the teacher, Emma and ask any questions

Everyone welcome. To find out more and/or to book a place contact Emma Thom

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to 28 Jan

On-line Taking it Further Mindfulness course for Graduates of any 8 week programme

“It changed me in just about every way possible; but what can I do next?”

Many people completing an 8-week programme are keen to build on what they have started. This 12 week course, developed by the Oxford Mindfulness Centre offers a road map to deepen and extend the learning from any 8 week course further and deeper.

This 12 week course includes new meditations, contemplations and practices, exploratory life exercises along with daily home practice and handouts on each theme.

During the 12 weeks we:

  • Revisit, broaden and deepen our experience of mindfulness

  • Explore how to live mindfulness, how to embed and apply mindfulness in ways that feel aligned with our values

  • Explore and cultivate the many facets of mindfulness; kindness, self-compassion, friendliness, finding balance (equanimity) and joy. We explore how these facets of mindfulness can help us flourish and stay steady in the ever-changing moments of our real lives

  • Have the opportunity to engage in a supportive, friendly, weekly space of shared practice.

  • Deepen our capacity, interest and confidence to integrate mindfulness into our lives

    The programme comprises twelve themes. Examples of the themes are: attention!; inhabiting our bodies; appreciating the life you have; cool head, warm heart: the art of balance and equanimity and; being the change you’d like to see in the world.

    Below are a few quotes from people who have completed the course:

I thoroughly enjoyed the taking it further course you ran and so expertly guided. The feeling of possibilities at the end of the course was really fantastic’

I'm taking so much from the course, which has encouraged some seeds from the past into growth as well as planting lots of new ones’

‘I am really grateful to you. This course has been amazing and is making such a difference to my life. It came along at the right time for me. I have also really valued being part of the group and learnt from them in so many ways too’

‘I am really enjoying the course and finding it so helpful in practically every area of my life! This course has really awakened me from the trance I can find myself in and engaged me with all that is wonderful in life and stay steady with the challenges.  I think it is the right balance of formal and informal and they help each other.  I like how our sessions are laid out with a mixture of practices, activities and discussion and again they all seem to support each other.

I am now living life with much more freedom, lightness, gratitude and care. Life has not been easy of late, but the practices have helped me feel so much more grounded and connected to the treasures of life and living.

Course details: The course runs weekly for two hours (9.45-11.45)

Dates: Friday 29th October, 2021 to Friday 28th Jan, 2022 ( please note there are no sessions on Friday 24th Dec and Friday 31st Dec).

The standard cost for this course is £210, I ask, if you can to pay this.

Concessionary places are readily available for those who would like to explore this course and are genuinely unable to pay the full cost. Please contact me to discuss.

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to 25 Oct

Nourish: Monthly Practice Sessions for Graduates of 8 week courses (third Friday of each month)

Monthly Guided Practice Sessions (online via zoom)

These sessions are for all graduates of 8 week courses and are intended to offer a monthly opportunity to practice together. Sessions open at 6 pm for those who would like to meet and connect. A guided practice is offered 6.15-6.45pm .

Sessions run on the third Thursday of each month.

To join us, please contact us and we will send you the link for zoom which remains the same for each session.

Sessions are run freely with the option to offer a contribution if you are moved to.

View Event →
to 19 Apr

On-line Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Life (MBCT-L) | Monday afternoons 1-3pm

The Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Life (MBCT-L) is a new course developed by the Oxford Mindfulness Centre. The course feels particularly suited to the current climate we find ourselves in; with a focus on reducing stress and managing moo but also developing qualities and skills to support resilience, balance, appreciation and happiness in the midst of life.

Over the course of the programme you will learn how mindfulness can help us recognise when we become entangled in worry or unhelpful thought processes and learn ways to interrupt this process, to support wise choices and balance.

By training ourselves to focus our attention MBCT- L can help us:

  • cope better with emotional challenges;

  • change our relationship with difficult thoughts and feelings;

  • experience a greater sense of appreciation and movement towards savouring what is good in our lives.

  • increase a sense of calm and wellbeing.

The course includes:

  • Workbook and to practice in-between sessions

  • Guided instructions of various mindfulness meditation practices taught in an entirely secular way

  • Inquiry exercises to enhance awareness in everyday life

  • FREE monthly top-up-sessions

You will need:

To book a place or for more information please get in touch.


View Event →
to 1 Apr

On-line Oxford Mindfulness Centre Oxford Mindfulness 'Taking it Further Course' - A follow up course for graduates of MBSR/MBCT/MBCT-L (Thursday evenings, 5.30-7.30pm5-7.15


A `follow up` course for graduates of MBSR, MBCT courses.

Teachers – Emma Thom and Paula Fairweather.

(Includes retreat, Saturday 27th March- 9 am- 1 pm)

This course will be taught by Emma Thom and Paula Fairweather (Mindfulness Cornwall). We are delighted to be offering this course to all graduates of 8-week courses. Together we have journeyed through the course with a personal focus; finding it nourishing, rich, and extremely beneficial. We are now pleased to offer this curriculum as a group adventure. The course offers;

  • Revisiting the familiar; enlivening both formal and life practice.

  • Expanding the field of inquiry; deepening in understanding of core aspects of mindfulness.

  • A greater sense of agency through experiential investigation of how distress is increased and decreased.

  • An increased capacity for cultivating the conditions for flourishing.

  • Deepening and cultivating friendliness and compassion for self, others and wider world. Developing joy, and the art of balance, and equanimity - an experiential integration of the attitudinal foundation of mindfulness.

  • · Discerning wise choices, aligned with our values, for appropriate responding in all relationships - to immediate experience, to self, our community, and the wider world.

  • · Appreciating the life we have.

  • · Being the change we would like to see in the world.

Cost:  For the 9 two hour sessions, resources (OMC audio files)  and retreat day as follows.

£210 we ask you to pay this if you can.       
£250 sponsor rate, paying this will sponsor someone to do this course who could not otherwise afford it. Thank you for your generosity.                                                                                                                        £150 support rate (for those on lower incomes who are genuinely unable to afford the full rate) please do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to explore this option.

View Event →
to 26 Mar

On-line Oxford Mindfulness Centre Oxford Mindfulness 'Taking it Further Course' - A follow up course for graduates of MBSR/MBCT/MBCT-L (Friday mornings 9.30am-11.30am)


A `follow up` course for graduates of MBSR, MBCT courses.

Teachers – Emma Thom and Paula Fairweather.

Friday mornings 9.30-11.30am | 29th January - 26th March 2021  

(Includes retreat, Saturday 27th March- 9 am- 1 pm)

This course will be taught by Emma Thom and Paula Fairweather (Mindfulness Cornwall). We are delighted to be offering this course to all graduates of 8-week courses. Together we have journeyed through the course with a personal focus; finding it nourishing, rich, and extremely beneficial. We are now pleased to offer this curriculum as a group adventure. The course offers;

  • Revisiting the familiar; enlivening both formal and life practice.

  • Expanding the field of inquiry; deepening in understanding of core aspects of mindfulness.

  • A greater sense of agency through experiential investigation of how distress is increased and decreased.

  • An increased capacity for cultivating the conditions for flourishing.

  • Deepening and cultivating friendliness and compassion for self, others and wider world. Developing joy, and the art of balance, and equanimity - an experiential integration of the attitudinal foundation of mindfulness.

  • · Discerning wise choices, aligned with our values, for appropriate responding in all relationships - to immediate experience, to self, our community, and the wider world.

  • · Appreciating the life we have.

  • · Being the change we would like to see in the world.

Cost:  For the 9 two hour sessions, resources (OMC audio files)  and retreat day as follows.

£210 we ask you to pay this if you can.       
£250 sponsor rate, paying this will sponsor someone to do this course who could not otherwise afford it. Thank you for your generosity.                                                                                                                        £150 support rate (for those on lower incomes who are genuinely unable to afford the full rate) please do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to explore this option.

View Event →
to 30 Mar

On-line Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Life (MBCT-L) | Tuesdays| 10.00am -12.00pm

The Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Life (MBCT-L) is a new course developed by the Oxford Mindfulness Centre. This course is particularly suited to the current climate we find ourselves in; with a focus on reducing stress and managing low mood, and also developing qualities and skills to support much-needed resilience, appreciation and happiness in the midst of the up’s and down of life.

Over the course of the programme you will learn how mindfulness can help us recognise when we become entangled in worry or unhelpful thought tangles and learn ways to interrupt this process, to support wise choices and balance. The course explores how to develop a mind that is a friend and ways to strengthen positive, nurturing qualities such as appreciation, kindness, and joy

By training ourselves to focus our attention MBCT- L can help us:

  • cope better with emotional challenges;

  • change our relationship with difficult thoughts and feelings;

  • experience a greater sense of appreciation and movement towards savouring what is good in our lives.

  • increase a sense of calm and wellbeing.

This is how the course works:

1) Register your place for A FREE introductory session on Tuesday 26th Jan, 10.30am -12 pm to find out more about the course to help you decide whether the course is for you.

2) Attend MBCT-L 8 WEEK COURSE, every Tuesday, from 9th February 30th March, 10.am-12pm

The course includes:

  • Workbook and to practice in-between sessions

  • Guided instructions of various mindfulness meditation practices taught in an entirely secular way

  • Inquiry exercises to enhance awareness in everyday life

  • FREE monthly top-up-sessions


£145-Reguar Price: I ask if you can to pay this.

£165: Sponsor Price if you would like to pay more and sponsor someone to attend

Reduced/Concessionary places are available for those on lowered incomes and who genuinely are unable to fund the full place.  Please do get in touch to discuss this.

Zoom/Computer Requirements: (please note you can use zoom for free)

You will need:

To book a place or for more information please get in touch.

View Event →
to 28 Jan

On-line Taking it Further Mindfulness course for Graduates of any 8 week programme

“It changed me in just about every way possible; but what can I do next?”

Many people completing an 8-week programme are keen to build on what they have started. This 12 week course, developed by the Oxford Mindfulness Centre offers a road map to deepen and extend the learning from any 8 week course further.

This 12 week course includes new meditations, contemplations and practices, exploratory life exercises along with daily home practice and handouts on each theme.

During the 12 weeks we:

  • Revisit, broaden and deepen our experience of mindfulness

  • Explore different ways to embed and apply mindfulness to our lives in ways that are aligned with our values

  • Explore and cultivate the many facets of mindfulness; kindness, self-compassion, friendliness, finding balance (equanimity) and joy. We explore how these facets of mindfulness can help us flourish and stay steady in the ever-changing moments of our real lives

  • Have the opportunity to engage in a supportive, friendly, weekly space of shared practice.

  • Deepen our capacity, interest and confidence to integrate mindfulness into our lives

    The programme comprises twelve themes. Examples of the themes are: attention!; inhabiting our bodies; appreciating the life you have; cool head, warm heart: the art of balance and equanimity and; being the change you’d like to see in the world.

    Below are a few quotes from people who have completed the course:

I thoroughly enjoyed the taking it further course you ran and so expertly guided. The feeling of possibilities at the end of the course was really fantastic’

I'm taking so much from the course, which has encouraged some seeds from the past into growth as well as planting lots of new ones’

‘I am really grateful to you. This course has been amazing and is making such a difference to my life. It came along at the right time for me. I have also really valued being part of the group and learnt from them in so many ways too’

‘I am really enjoying the course and finding it so helpful in practically every area of my life! This course has really awakened me from the trance I can find myself in and engaged me with all that is wonderful in life and stay steady with the challenges.  I think it is the right balance of formal and informal and they help each other.  I like how our sessions are laid out with a mixture of practices, activities and discussion and again they all seem to support each other.

I am now living life with much more freedom, lightness, gratitude and care. Life has not been easy of late, but the practices have helped me feel so much more grounded and connected to the treasures of life and living.

Course dates: The course runs weekly for two hours (9.45-11.45) from Friday 30th October 2021 to Friday 28th Jan 2022 ( we have a break over Christmas- please note there are no sessions on Friday 24th Dec and Friday 31st Dec).

The standard cost for this course is £210, I ask, if you can to pay this.

Concessionary places are readily available for those who would like to explore this course and are genuinely unable to pay the full cost. Please contact me to discuss.

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to 1 Dec

The Present| A new course with minimal time commitment!

This is an accessible new mindfulness course created by leading mindfulness practitioner Sarah Silverton.  This course would be highly suitable for anyone looking to explore mindfulness in their lives who, feel unable to commit to the 20 minutes or more daily mindfulness practice as required in a traditional 8-week course. It is also offered as a way to refresh and deepen practice for those who have attended an 8-week course and now want to explore ways to integrate the practice into everyday life and live more mindfully.

This course is grounded in neuroscience and is designed to enable you to start bringing the benefits of mindfulness to life right from the start.  This will help you to better enjoy life’s treasures, build resilience and boost balance and focus.  

The focus of this course is on building mindfulness into real-life situations, through a growing sense of curiosity and friendliness, rather than finding extra hours to sit still (although we will help with this too).  The sessions are short and there is minimal time ‘requirements’ between sessions.

Online Format:

  • This is a group course taught via ‘Zoom’, an online training/chat platform. Zoom is stable and easy to use and enables the teacher and group to interact much like a face to face group.

  • You’ll need access to a computer or laptop with a microphone/webcam.  You can also join via the ZOOM app on your smartphone or tablet, although the computer version is preferable.

  • You can download Zoom for FREE, or have a go with a trial version here.

This course is offered at an introductory price of £95 (regular price £135)

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to 24 Nov

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course| Tuesday Evenings | 6-8pm

Bringing Mindfulness Training to your home! In light of the current situation and how things are with the coronavirus, the 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course is now offered on-line. This online format offers exactly the same programme and practices, as you would receive in a face to face format.

About the Course

The Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programme is the most recognised and established mindfulness course, taught all over the world, and scientifically proven to help people cope better with stress, depression and anxiety. 

The program provides training in awareness of breathing, meditation, body scanning, and gentle yoga stretching exercises. Participants also learn cognitive (thinking) practices to help reduce stress; as well as gratitude, kindness, and compassion practices to increase wellbeing.

Physical and psychological benefits reported after completing the course include:  
An increased ability to cope with immediate and long-term stress
Greater capacity to treat self and others with kindness and care
A sense of feeling more in control through gaining a greater awareness of thoughts and feelings
Better sleep, improved concentration, less stress, and improved general well-being 

The course includes: 

  • 8 (2-hour sessions)

  • Workbook and to practice in-between sessions

  • Guided instructions of various mindfulness meditation practices taught in an entirely secular way

  • Inquiry exercises to enhance awareness in everyday

  • A retreat morning included in week 7 of the course

The cost of the 8-week course is reduced during these times and is offered at £145. Concessionary places are available for those on reduced incomes and genuinely are unable to fund the full place. Please do get in touch to discuss this. If you would like to sponsor someone to attend and pay more, the suggested sponsor rate is £165.

Zoom/Computer Requirements: (please note you can use zoom for free)

You will need:

Bookings being taken now.

7 places remaining.

Tel: 07929630910

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to 2 Oct

Free weekly practice sessions (Fridays)

Free weekly practice sessions delivered via zoom.
Open to anyone who has completed an 8-week course.
Basic structure is a follows:

We open zoom at 4.30 pm to connect, say hi, and settle in.

Guided Meditation: 4.45- 5.15 pm

Inquiry, reflection, sharing space: 5.15-5.30 pm

To join, call (07929630910) or email (emma@themindfulchoice.co.uk) for zoom log in details.

View Event →
to 23 Mar

8 week course| Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction| Sidmouth| Kennaway House|10.30am-12.30pm

Interested in becoming more mindful?

Venue: Kennaway House
EX10 8NG

The Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction program (MBSR) helps people learn to effectively deal with physical and emotional stress and to cultivate self-compassion and wellbeing. Mindfulness isn’t only useful if you’re feeling stressed or challenged- it can also help any of us lead a more wakeful, happier, healthier life.  

The program provides training in awareness of breathing, meditation, body scanning, and gentle yoga stretching exercises. Participants also learn cognitive (thinking) practices to help reduce stress; as well as gratitude, kindness, and compassion practices to increase happiness and wellbeing.

This 8-week course is designed for anyone looking for new ways to improve well-being and ultimately live life to the full. 

The majority of people completing the programme report lasting physical and psychological benefits including:  

Greater energy, enthusiasm, and appreciation for life
An increased ability to cope with immediate and long-term stress
Greater capacity to treat self and others with kindness and care
A sense of feeling more in control through gaining a greater awareness of thoughts and feelings
Better sleep, improved concentration, less stress, and improved general well-being 

The course includes: 

  • 8 (2-hour sessions)

  • Workbook and C.D's (to practice in-between sessions)

  • Guided instructions of various mindfulness meditation practices taught in an entirely secular way

  • Inquiry exercises to enhance awareness in everyday

  • A retreat day included in week 7 of the course

The cost of the 8-week course is £165. A limited number of concessionary places are available for those on reduced incomes and genuinely are unable to fund the full place  Please get in touch to discuss.


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10:00 am10:00

Introduction to Mindfulness| Sidmouth| Kennaway House|10am-1pm

Interested in becoming more mindful?

Venue: Kennaway House
EX10 8NG

Introduction to Mindfulness

For decades now, scientific research has been showing how useful mindfulness is for reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, helping people manage a wide range of physical conditions, and for our general well- being. Perhaps you have heard about mindfulness, but don't quite know what it's about. Or you may have already read some information, but you don't see how it might be of benefit to you, This Introduction to Mindfulness is a great way to learn both the theory of mindfulness but also to ‘dive in’ and experience some of the practices and benefits first hand.

We will practice some simple everyday mindfulness also some shorter practices including some gentle mindful movements practices which are suitable for everyone.

You can follow the Introduction to Mindfulness Workshop as stand-alone or as an introduction before you decide whether to take part in the next 8-week course. It is important to know about the basics of mindfulness-based teaching before you embark upon any mindfulness course and this introduction is geared up to empower you to make the right choice of teacher and training.

I am a qualified and experienced teacher trained at the University of Exeter.

This session is £20 or free/refunded for those who decide to join the full Mindfulness Course

To book a place, please get in touch. 

View Event →
to 13 Jan

Monday Evening: 8 Week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (6.30-8.30pm) Teignmouth, Devon

Alice Cross Centre
1-3 Bitton Park Road
TQ14 9BT

Time: 6.30-8.30pm

The Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction program (MBSR) helps people learn to effectively deal with physical and emotional stress and to cultivate self-compassion and wellbeing. Mindfulness isn’t only useful if you’re feeling stressed or challenged- it can also help any of us lead a more wakeful, happier, healthier life.  

The program provides training in awareness of breathing, meditation, body scanning and gentle yoga stretching exercises. Participants also learn cognitive (thinking) practices to help reduce stress; as well as gratitude, kindness, and compassion practices to increase happiness and wellbeing.

This 8-week course is designed for anyone looking for new ways to improve well-being and get ultimately get the most out of life with the overall aim of helping you live life to the full. 

Fundamentally, the 8-week course aims to assist you in taking better care of yourself and in getting more out of living.

The majority of people completing the programme report lasting physical and psychological benefits including:  

Greater energy, enthusiasm, and appreciation for life
An increased ability to cope with immediate and long-term stress
Greater capacity to treat self and others with kindness and care
A sense of feeling more in control through gaining a greater awareness of thoughts and feelings
Better sleep, improved concentration, less stress, and improved general well-being 

The course includes: 

  • 8 (2-hour sessions)

  • Workbook and C.D's (to practice in-between sessions)

  • Guided instructions of various mindfulness meditation practices taught in an entirely secular way

  • Inquiry exercises to enhance awareness in everyday

  • A retreat day

The cost of the 8-week course is £165.

A limited number of concessionary places are available for those on reduced incomes and genuinely are unable to fund the full place  Please get in touch to discuss. 

Tel: 07929630910
email: emma@themindfulchoice.co.uk

View Event →
to 3 Dec

Tuesday Mornings: 8 Week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (11.15-13.15) Teignmouth, Devon

Den Crescent

TQ14 8BG


Time: 11.15-13.15

The Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction program (MBSR) helps people learn to effectively deal with physical and emotional stress and to cultivate self-compassion and wellbeing. Mindfulness isn’t only useful if you’re feeling stressed or challenged- it can also help any of us lead a more wakeful, happier, healthier life.  

The program provides training in awareness of breathing, meditation, body scanning and gentle yoga stretching exercises. Participants also learn cognitive (thinking) practices to help reduce stress; as well as gratitude, kindness, and compassion practices to increase happiness and wellbeing.

This 8-week course is designed for anyone looking for new ways to improve well-being and get ultimately get the most out of lifewith the overall aim of helping you live life to the full. 

Fundamentally, the 8-week course aims to assist you in taking better care of yourself and in getting more out of living.

The majority of people completing the programme report lasting physical and psychological benefits including:  

Greater energy, enthusiasm, and appreciation for life
An increased ability to cope with immediate and long-term stress
Greater capacity to treat self and others with kindness and care
A sense of feeling more in control through gaining a greater awareness of thoughts and feelings
Better sleep, improved concentration, less stress and improved general well-being 

The course includes: 

  • 8 (2-hour sessions)

  • Workbook and C.D's (to practice in-between sessions)

  • Guided instructions of various mindfulness meditation practices taught in an entirely secular way

  • Inquiry exercises to enhance awareness in everyday

  • A retreat day included in week 7 of the course (Saturday 23rd November, session runs 10-4 pm)

The cost of the 8 week course is £165. A limited number of concessionary places are available for those on reduced incomes and genuinely are unable to fund the full place  Please get in touch to discuss . 

Tel: 07929630910
email: emma@themindfulchoice.co.uk

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11:15 am11:15

Tuesday Morning: Mindfulness Taster Session (11.15am-12.45pm) Teignmouth, Devon

Interested in becoming more mindful?

Venue: Pavilions,

Den Crescent

Teignmouth TQ14 8BG

For decades now, scientific research has been showing how useful mindfulness is for reducing stress, anxiety and depression, helping people manage a wide range of physical conditions, and for our general well- being. So mindfulness isn’t only useful if you’re feeling stressed or challenged – it can also help any of us enjoy a more wakeful, healthier, happier life. However there are some things you need to know before you sign up for a mindfulness course.

Join me for this introduction to mindfulness. I am a qualified and experienced teacher trained at the University of Exeter. The session will include some practical experience and plenty of discussion about the benefits of a regular mindfulness practice in all its forms.

It is important to know about the basics of mindfulness-based teaching before you embark upon any mindfulness course and this introduction is geared up to empower you to make the right choice of teacher and methods to learn.

This is a free event. A suggested donation of £5 donation towards our sponsor fund to enable those on limited incomes to access courses is kindly requested.

To book a place, please get in touch. 

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to 9 Dec

4 WEEK GRADUATE COURSE : Deepening and Sustaining Mindfulness Beyond the 8 Week Course

 his is an opportunity to reconnect to practice and deepen your understanding of mindfulness. Meditation, reflection, talks and handouts will be part of each session. If you have completed any the mindfulness you are very welcome.

Join us for Monthly Monday Mindfulness sessions to explore:

How do we stay mindful?
How can mindfulness continue to help people flourish?
How do we further develop the benefits of a mind that is more attentive, more kind and aligned to what is important and sustains us in life?
How do we develop the qualities of appreciation, equanimity and joy?

Next 4-week term

Monday 30th Sep
Monday 28th October
Monday 25th November
Monday 9th December

Venue Methodist Church Shaldon

Time: 11.15-12.45pm with the option to connect together for tea after.


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10:30 am10:30

Sunday Event: Mindfulness Taster Session (10.30-12pm) Teignmouth, Devon

Interested in becoming more mindful?

Venue: Teign Museum
29 French Street
TQ14 8ST


For decades now, scientific research has been showing how useful mindfulness is for reducing stress, anxiety and depression, helping people manage a wide range of physical conditions, and for our general well- being. So mindfulness isn’t only useful if you’re feeling stressed or challenged – it can also help any of us enjoy a more wakeful, healthier, happier life. However there are some things you need to know before you sign up for a mindfulness course.

Join me for this introduction to mindfulness. I am a qualified and experienced teacher trained at the University of Exeter. The session will include some practical experience and plenty of discussion about the benefits of a regular mindfulness practice in all its forms.

It is important to know about the basics of mindfulness-based teaching before you embark upon any mindfulness course and this introduction is geared up to empower you to make the right choice of teacher and methods to learn.

This is a free event. A suggested donation of £5 donation towards our sponsor fund to enable those on limited incomes to access courses is kindly requested.

To book a place, please get in touch. 

View Event →
to 8 Jul

8 Week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (12.45-2.45pm) Teignmouth, Devon

Venue: Pavillions
Den Crescent,
TQ14 8BG

Time: 12.45-2.45 pm

Please note there is no session on the 27th May owing to May Bank Holiday. The retreat day will be held on Sunday 30th June (10.30-4.00 pm).

Mindfulness is a basic human quality, that we all have. Mindfulness is a way of learning to pay attention to whatever is happening in life in a way that allows you greater sense of connection inwardly and outwardly. Mindfulness is a well researched method aimed at cultivating clarity, insight, and understanding.
This 8-week course is designed for anyone looking for new ways to improve well-being and get ultimately get the most out of life! Each week I will introduce you to new ways of practicing mindfulness capacity to manage and regulate stress, cultivate and be present for moments of positive emotions and appreciation with the overall aim of helping you live life to the full. 

Fundamentally, the 8-week course aims to assist you in taking better care of yourself and in getting more out of living.

The majority of people completing the programme report lasting physical and psychological benefits including:  

Greater energy, enthusiasm, and appreciation for life
An increased ability to cope with immediate and long-term stress
Greater capacity to treat themselves and others with kindness and care
A sense of feeling more in control, through gaining a greater awareness of themselves
Better sleep quality, improved concentration, less stress, and improved well-being  

The course includes: 

  • 8 (2-hour sessions)

  • Workbook and C.D's (to practice in-between sessions)

  • Guided instructions of various mindfulness meditation practices taught in an entirely secular way

  • Inquiry exercises to enhance awareness in everyday

  • A retreat day

The cost of the 8 week course is £165. A limited number of concessionary places are available for those on reduced incomes and genuinely are unable to fund the full place  Please get in touch to discuss . 

email: emma@themindfulchoice.co.uk

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1:00 pm13:00

Mindful Yoga, Teignmouth and Shaldon

I teach gentle hatha yoga which focuses on 5 key areas; proper exercise, proper breathing, proper relaxation, mindfulness and insight designed to work together to offer greater physical and mental well-being. All welcome and no experience necessary.

Tuesdays mornings, 9.15-10.15 am from Tuesday 7th May at Richard Newton Hall Teignmouth.

Tuesday afternoons, 1.30-2.30 pm from Tuesday 7th May at Richard Newton Hall, Teignmouth

Wednesday evenings, 5.45-7pm from Wednesday 8th May at Victoria Hall Shaldon.

Please bring a mat or call ahead if you would like to borrow one.

Please also bring a blanket for the periods of relaxation. 

‘The body benefits from movement and the mind benefits from stillness’ Sakyong Mipham

View Event →
to 28 Nov

8 Week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (6.30-8.30pm) Bishopsteignton, Devon

Venue: Bishopsteignton Community Hall,
46 Fore Street,
TQ14 9QZ

Time: 6.30-8.30pm

Mindfulness is about being awake and aware and living in the present rather than the tendency we all have to find ourselves dwelling in the past or anticipating the future. 
This 8-week course is for anyone looking for new ways to improve wellbeing and get the most out of life. 

You will be introduced to new ways of managing stress and regulating emotions to help you live life to the full. 

The 8-week course fundamentally aims to assist you in taking better care of yourself and in getting more out of living.

The majority of people completing the programme report lasting physical and psychological benefits including:  

Greater energy, enthusiasm, and appreciation for life
An increased ability to cope with immediate and long-term stressful  
Greater capacity to treat themselves and others with kindness and care
A sense of feeling more in control through a gaining a greater awareness of themselves
Better sleep quality, improved concentration, less stress, and improved wellbeing  

The course includes: 

  • 8 (2-hour sessions)
  • Workbook and C.D's (to practice in-between sessions) 
  • Guided instructions of various mindfulness meditation practices taught in an entirely secular way
  • A full day of practice between session 6 and 7
  • Inquiry exercises to enhance awareness in everyday life

£165 for full course, retreat day and course handouts. 

Please note a limited number of concessionary places are available for those on reduced incomes and genuinely are unable to fund the full place   Please get in touch to discuss more information or to book a place do get in touch

Tel Emma on 07929630910

Cost: £165 (some concessionary places are avaialable)

View Event →
6:30 pm18:30

Free Mindfulness Taster Session (6.30-8pm) Bishopsteignton, Devon

Interested in becoming more mindful?

Bishopsteignton Community Hall,
46 Fore Street,
TQ14 9QZ

For decades now, scientific research has been showing how useful mindfulness is for reducing stress, anxiety and depression, helping people manage a wide range of physical conditions, and for our general wellbeing. So mindfulness isn’t only useful if you’re feeling stressed or challenged – it can also help any of us enjoy a more wakeful, healthier, happier life. However there are some things you need to know before you sign up for a mindfulness course.

Join us for this introduction to mindfulness with qualified and experienced teachers trained at the University of Exeter. The session will include some practical experience and plenty of discussion about the benefits of a regular mindfulness practice in all its forms. You’ll also learn a powerful present-moment practice to use whenever the need takes you.

It is important to know about the basics of mindfulness-based teaching before you embark upon any mindfulness course and this introduction is geared up to empower you to make the right choice of teacher and training.

This is a free event. A suggested donation of £5 donation towards our sponsor fund to enable those on limited incomes to access courses is kindly requested.

To book a place, please get in touch with Emma

View Event →
to 10 Mar

Mindfulness Retreat. Morocco (MBSR Course)

We are pleased to offer the Mindfulness One Week Retreat, in Morocco. The retreat teaches the complete content of the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction/Cognitive Therapy course (MBSR/CT). The retreat is hosted in Morocco, at Riad Zanbaq, an ideal setting in the tranquil, mountainous countryside. The Riad is the perfect place to get away from it all, step out of everyday life, and completely immerse yourself in mindfulness practice and the peaceful surrounds.

Who is this retreat for? The retreat is suitable for complete beginners, as well as those with an established meditation practice, who would like a refresher or to explore the content of the MBSR/CT Course.

A typical day includes

·         Optional sunrise yoga on the roof terrace,  with views of the Atlas Mountains

·         Buffet Breakfast and selection of fresh juices

·         Morning mindfulness session followed by lunch

·         Free time to relax, enjoy the sunshine, on-site hamman, natural pool,  
          take an  excursion or stroll in the countryside

·         Evening Mindfulness Session,  followed by dinner

The Retreat offers

•      Free airport transfers from Agadir airport

•      Full board (breakfast, lunch and dinner) The majority of the food is grown in the orchard and garden

•      25 hours of teacher led guided instruction in various mindfulness practices (taught in an entirely secular way)

•      Reflection and discussion to enhance awareness and the application of mindfulness to everyday life. 

•      Daily Mindful Movement, Gentle Stretching and Yoga.

•      Audio CDs and a workbook

•      A full day of guided mindful silent practice.

The price of this retreat is £825.00 and includes a full board and accomodation 

The course is challenging and, life affirming. The instructors are accomplished and skilled in creating a safe, kind, supportive and deeply engaging learning environment.

We look forward to welcoming you. 


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